Many cities have been sending social workers, doctors, and trained outreach workers to handle calls that were previously handled by police officers. Rural areas have seen a slower adoption of crisis response teams, despite the fact that mental illness is equally common there….
Plus St. Paul recycles paper plant to lay 130; Red Wing community college student gifted free tuition; Hennepin judge expresses doubt of ‘exciteddelirium’; and many more….
Plus : Near North homeless camp evacuated; Jensen receives law enforcement endorsement; suspected militia supporter is arrested and charged; and many other things….
This year’s down-ballot contest is one of a few secretary of state races in the U.S. to test whether Donald Trump’s denial of 2020 election results has political power….
Last week’s Nobel Conference saw a large portion of the conference devoted to the study of the effects of technology and social media on youth mental well-being….
Peter Callaghan, Walker Orenstein and Elizabeth Dunbar will be chatting with each other at the MinnPost Social. It takes place at The Haralson Room of Minneapolis Cider Company at 5:30 pm….
Plus, Minnesota has the driest September ever recorded; Texas men are charged with ATM robbery; Judge denies nonprofit’s attempt to rejoin the nutrition program; and many other stories….